If you ever wonder where is the best place to go out on the sun as an adventurous person, try going to Australia. This country is known for its outdoor lifestyle, and it’s only rightful, as it is home to the largest system of coral reefs that is sure to wow you over. Unfortunately, though, Australia is also known to have one of the high rates of skin cancer. Early detection is key, but how do you know when it’s time to book an appointment at Berwick skin cancer clinic? Here are some of the signs you shouldn’t ignore:
What is Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is an abnormal condition in your skin where its cells have been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the sun. Skin cancer can also appear anywhere on your body, sometimes looking normally, until it becomes so obvious.
Now that we know what skin cancer generally is, let’s take a look at the signs before things get out of hand:
A mole or spot is changing. A mole is normal until it starts to change in either size or colour. As a guide, Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter, and if it is Evolving or the ABCDE rule can help keep your moles in check.
A new spot appears. Mind you, we’re not here to make you anxious, however, it’s always better to be on the side of caution, just like when new spots that start to pop up in your early 30s.
A sore that won’t heal. Persistent sores are bothersome, especially if it suddenly bleeds or starts to itch again after some time. Skin shouldn’t stay broken or irritated for extended periods, so please don’t brush it off.
Itchy, tender, or painful areas. Paying attention to you skin is key to know this sign, as it does not always come visibly.
Spots that bleed easily. We understand that minor skin irritations, or maybe a bit of scratch here and there may result in occasional bleeding, however, something is not right when there’s a patch of your skin that starts bleeding with minimal contact and is happening frequently already.
Family history of skin cancer. Whenever someone from the family mentions that you have history of skin cancer, always act swiftly especially as soon as you notice anything unusual on your skin that’s not normally there.
Sun damage from the past. Long exposure from the rays of the sun, even if that exposure was from a long time ago, may actually catch up on you and might even be a cause of concern especially if rough patches have built up on your skin.
The earlier you act, the simpler the treatment.
The good news is skin cancer is one of the most treatable cancers when caught early. But before this even catches up, sometimes, it’s best to trust your instincts especially if you feel like there’s something off. We understand how much worry this might put you in, but as long as you take it to the professionals, your well-being is taken care of.