Whether you’re planning a hen weekend away of a surprise trip for one of your friends, make sure you have everything from our recommended list of essentials so that you are never short in style.

Look your best on a hen night by following our list of essentials that will help you travel in style.

Hen night checklist

Having one last crazy ride with your girls and a bride-to-be, it is important that you give her a perfect send-off before you can finally start planning her wedding.

Sex and the City

Some of you already know where we are heading. Dress up in Carrie Bradshaw-inspired tutus with cute and heels and simple but decent top. Add a few jewels to light up the glamour. Or you can simply ask all the ladies to dress up whatever SATC character they love the most. Take it from us, if you travel SATC style, your gang is already off to a great start for the hen night.

20s Hairstyle fever

As the bride’s perfect sent-off, you need to add a bit of classic mix into the equation. Channel your inner Daisy Buchanan and get yourself to the salon for a vintage hairstyle and overall look. Add some headpieces and jewel to look exceptionally breathtaking. Who knows, you might find your Mr. Perfect on the hen night.

Put on a Little Black Dress

You can’t possibly disagree on the fact that black is always the go-to color, if you want to look sexy and unforgettable. Now imagine, all your gals put on their best black dresses on a hen night. To be honest, you guys might even increase the room temperature without any efforts.

Adding some pearls would instantly make you the life of the party.

All White

Yes, black is good but never underestimate the color WHITE. It is a simple but very ravishing theme to follow. Having a sophisticated and classy white dress can definitely bring up your A-GAME. Put it on a with a pair of high heels, and you will be unforgettable for sure.

Are you ready for your next hen party?

These tips have been carefully thought through to make sure that they don’t cost a fortune and most of what your girls might actually have. Make sure that you find the perfect balance between glam and casual, you don’t want to put the bride-to-be in the shadows.

Give the your best friend and the bride-to-be a night to remember with Hens.com; visit our website and find our packages at https://hens.com.au/hens-night-packages. Enjoy your night in style with some lavish dinners, luxurious bars and customized special events that check all the fun-boxes on your checklist.