Designing and building your own outdoor BBQ kitchen is both fun and challenging. Since it’s exposed to natural elements, choosing the right building materials is crucial; your choice should be durable, weather-proof, and, of course, aesthetically pleasing. Given the variety of materials available on the market, it’s pretty overwhelming to choose which material to pick with. So, for today’s article, we’ll help you narrow down your choices by considering these few key factors when it comes to your outdoor kitchen elements.


For countertops, you want something easy to clean but also pleasing to the eyes. Here are the popular building materials often seen on the countertops of outdoor BBQ kitchens in Brisbane.

Stainless steel. You can never go wrong with using stainless steel since it’s a classic choice. It’s durable and easy to clean, and most important of all, it’s pretty resistant to harsh weather conditions.

Granite. Another popular choice for countertops is granite, and compared to stainless steel, it comes in different colors and patterns, which makes it a more appealing choice. It’s also pretty durable and heat-resistant, which is perfect for cooking activities.

Quartz. If we’re talking about heat resistance, then you can’t forget about quartz since this material is also heat and stain-resistant and low-maintenance, so it’s easy to clean.

Storage and cabinet.

Naturally, you also need a place where you can store cooking equipment and tools that are within reach. Here are some great choices:

Stainless steel. Similar to countertops, stainless steel is also ideal to use as cabinets because of its durability and weather resistance.

Polymer-based material. If you’re looking for a cheaper option without sacrificing durability and weather resistance, polymer-based materials are a good choice since they’re more affordable than stainless steel and wood.

Wood. If you’re looking to add more depth and character to your outdoor kitchen, wood is a great option. However, compared to the other two materials, it’s harder to maintain because it’s susceptible to natural environmental factors and pests.


We can’t forget about the building material for your floors, can we? It’s important to choose an option that’s non-slip, easy to clean, and pleasing to the eyes.

Tiles. Floor tiles are affordable, easy to clean, and stylish; the only problem is that they’re more prone to cracking and chipping.

Pavers. If you’re looking for something stylish, low-maintenance, and durable, pavers are a good choice. Plus, they also come in different styles and colors, so you can explore more design options.

Concrete. Aside from the two aforementioned, concrete is also a good choice for flooring. However, it can be pretty challenging to maintain it compared to the other two.


Naturally, you also need appliances for your outdoor BBQ kitchen, similar to your indoor kitchen. Here are a few staple must-haves:

Grill. Your grill of choice can either be electric, charcoal, or a combination of both. After all, it depends on your cooking style and preferences.

Refrigerator. A refrigerator is a great investment and practical addition to your outdoor kitchen. Here, you can store your food supplies, drinks, and condiments without going back and forth inside your home.

By keeping all these factors in mind when planning your outdoor kitchen, you’re sure to create a beautiful and functional outdoor BBQ kitchen that can boost your outdoor living experience.